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Opinions and Editorials articles

Crime time: a look into shady Lowell

Alex Sponseller UML Student A very relevant discussion at UMass Lowell is the safety on campus and the surrounding areas. Recently there have been multiple incidents involving UMass Lowell students and the level of concern is rising. Though UMass Lowell is located in some shady areas, it is surprising that students continue to be involved

Summarizing Rowing

Lucas Brown Connector Contributor The UMass Lowell Rowing clubs season is drawing to a close. There are only two races left in the season for the only River Hawks actually competing on rivers, the two biggest races; The New England Rowing Championship and the Dad Vails Regatta in Philadelphia. Where we last left off, our

Why spring break isn’t much of a break

Sarah Pacht Connector Staff The term “spring break” evokes images of tropical locales, bikinis, drinking and partying on the beach. But it can be so many other things. Spring break is meant to be, as the title implies, a break from classes in the spring. Time to put the books aside, de-stress and recharge your

Going up: an elevator to awkward interaction

Eliza Calvin UML Student Imagine a metal box hurtling through the air in which you are trapped, surrounded by strangers. It is not a stretch, from that perspective, to see how my phobia of flying has translated into a fear of the O’Leary elevators. I could walk, and have, the many flights of stairs leading

Composition Corner

here I’ll give tips and tricks to aspiring songwriters and composers. This week, I’ll be talking about solo instrument composition. In most cases, for example orchestral strings, wind instruments, bass instruments and voice, harmonic accompaniment isn’t available on your instrument. Composing something interesting and challenging is quite frankly a difficult task. In the Baroque era,

Free At Last

Daniel Uk UML Student In the end, said Martin Luther King, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. For Silence is the obstacle in the midst of human progress, and the adversary of change. My community is in disarray and shouts for me in her time of

Saving the music scene

Alexander Gentile UML Student Have you ever wondered where your favorite musical artists came from? Assuredly they one day picked up an instrument or decided to start singing in the shower, and thought to themselves, “I’m ready to give something to the world.” They spent years practicing, met other musicians that helped to develop a