“Celeste” was nominated for “Original Light Mix Score, New IP” at the National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers Awards. (Photo courtesy of Matt Makes Games) Brendan Jacques Connector Staff “Celeste” is a single-player 2-D platformer created by Matt Makes Games Inc., an indie developer best known for the competitive 2-D brawler “TowerFall.” Players take…
‘Jessica Jones’ season two starts slow but ends strong
The second season was first ordered in January of 2016 (Photo courtesy of Netflix). Brendan Jacques Connector Staff Out of the six full seasons of television that ultimately made up phase one of Netflix’s lucrative Marvel TV universe, the first season of “Jessica Jones” was undoubtedly the standout. With its choice to embrace the trappings…
‘The Cloverfield Paradox’ is a waste of time
“The Cloverfield Paradox” was originally titled “God Particle.” (Photo courtesy of Netflix) Brendan Jacques Connector Staff “The Cloverfield” series may just be one of the most perplexing film franchises to ever hit the mainstream. Beginning back in 2008 with a found-footage spin on classic kaiju films such as “Godzilla,” the property has since then expanded…
‘Battlegrounds’ raises the bar for competitive shooters
“PUBG” was developed by Bluehole Studios with Brendan Greene, otherwise known as PlayerUnknown, as the lead director. (Courtesy of Bluehole Studios) Brendan Jacques Connector Editor First, some context: “PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds” is a multiplayer third-person shooter that takes inspiration from “battle-royale”-style fiction such as “The Hunger Games.” At the beginning of each match, 100 players are…
The American Health Care Act: How it compares
Brendan Jacques Connector Editor On Friday, March 24, Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan announced that the American Health Care Act was being withdrawn from Congress without a vote. The bill was designed as a replacement for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which is more commonly known as “Obamacare.” Republican leadership opted…
Black Mirror season 3 paints a grim vision of the future
“Black Mirror” was originally developed for Great Britain’s Channel 4 network before the rights to the series were purchased by Netflix in 2015. (Photo courtesy of Netflix) Brendan Jacques Connector Editor “Black Mirror” is a science-fiction anthology series created by Charlie Brooker back in 2011, with the newest season sponsored by Netflix. The series is…
Indie Game Spotlight: Legend of Grimrock
‘Legend of Grimrock’ has sold over one million copies since it’s release in 2012.(Photo courtesy of Almost Human Studios) Brendan Jacques Connector Editor “Legend of Grimrock” is a fantasy dungeon crawler which was released by four-person indie studio Almost Human back in 2012. In the game, you play as a group of four adventurers, who…
‘Deus Ex: Mankind Divided:’ We asked for this
“Deus Ex: Mankind Divided” is the fourth entry in the series, which began back in 2000. (Photo courtesy of Square Enix) Brendan Jacques Connector Editor For those unaware, the “Deus Ex” saga is a series of first-person stealth role-playing games set in a near-future world designed to evoke the classic sci-fi film “Blade Runner” with…