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Author Archives: UML Connector

Jiri “George” Banecek saves breakfast

Lucas Brown Connector Contributor It is 7:30 a.m., and you’re a sleepy-eyed freshman. Your “8 a.m. every day” schedule makes you so sleepy that class can seem like a nightmare. College has been packed with exciting new knowledge and opportunity; a sensory overload of growth potential, but growth can be hard without healthy sustenance. The

Free At Last

Daniel Uk UML Student In the end, said Martin Luther King, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. For Silence is the obstacle in the midst of human progress, and the adversary of change. My community is in disarray and shouts for me in her time of

Vegetable enchilada enfuego

Joseph Bruni Connector Contributor Warm Tofu Vegetable Salad Stir-fried tofu, broccoli, onion, cabbage, carrot, and celery in chili garlic sauce over salad greens. Often, the chili garlic sauce clashes with some ingredients in a veggie meal, but here it is allowed to be “the star of the show”, paired with lighter, creamier flavors of the

Album review: We Are Scientists – “TV en Francais”

Maxwell Schultz Connector Staff Since 2000, We Are Scientists have been releasing music. This past Monday, March 3rd, they released their fourth studio album. After “Brain Thrust Mastery,” “With Love and Squalor,” and “Barbara,” they have released a terrific album, titled “Tv En Français.” There has been a good amount of hype around this album;

Another year, still no Oscar for DiCaprio

Cole Fitzgerald Connector Contributor The Academy Awards were last week, and Leonardo DiCaprio had another bad time. That pesky Oscar still eludes him. Surely the Gods of the Academy are frowning upon him. Cast out and dejected for the umpteenth time, it seems like poor Leo will never get an Oscar. I guess he will

In case you missed: “Papers Please”

David MacDonald Connector Staff Papers Please is a game that sounds like something that was designed by mad people, a paper pushing simulator. Many people will automatically associate it with that string of games that let you simulate the life of a truck driver or a lumberjack, but Papers Please takes a much different approach