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Author Archives: Owen Johnson

‘God’s Not Dead 2:’ not deserving of a witty title

‘God’s Not Dead 2:’ not deserving of a witty title

God’s Not Dead 2 was met with mostly negative reviews due to the controversial subject matter (Courtsey of Pure Flix Entertainment) Owen Johnson Connector Staff First the character of Superman in “Batman v Superman,” and now this movie; is there a hypocrisy contest going on that I’m unaware of? After mentioning Bible verses in a

Batman v. Superman: Yawn of Melancholy

“Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice” is the second film in the DC Comics Cinematic Universe, which will continue with a planned Justice League movie next year. (Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures) Owen Johnson Connector Staff After the failure of Zach Snyder’s “Man of Steel” in 2013, I really did not have much hope for

Reviews for movies filmed in Lowell

“The Fighter” was nominate for 7 Academy Awards. (Courtesy of Paramount Pictures) Owen Johnson Connector Staff ‘The Fighter’ “The Fighter” chronicles the true events of Lowell-native professional boxer Micky Ward (Mark Wahlberg) and his former-professional boxer brother, Dicky Eklund (Christian Bale). Similar to my praise of “The Revenant,” “The Fighter” is a technically good movie

Wishes and Predictions: The 88th Academy Awards

Best Animated Film: I do not have a personal preference for what wins in this category because I have either not seen the nominated movies or was not impressed by them. My prediction is that “Inside Out” will win simply because it is Pixar, which is a recognized name. It is the same reason the

Marvel coasts between big movies

It is surprising to know that “Deadpool” was made by 20th Century Fox rather than Marvel Studios. Marvel Studios rose to fame because of its cinematic universe idea. They make a bunch of movies that are part of the same universe, which expands the world and allows for crossover movies like “The Avengers” and the