Anthony and Joe Russo, who directed “The Winter Soldier” and “Civil War,” directed “Avengers: Infinity War” and will direct its sequel. (Photo courtesy of Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures) Shane Foley Connector Staff This April’s “Avengers: Infinity War” has Marvel fans excited as it promises to intertwine every subplot in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The…
‘Spider-Man:’ Coming home disappointed
“Spider-Man: Homecoming” will be the first of a trilogy of new “Spider-Man” films. (Courtesy of Sony Pictures) Owen Johnson Connector Staff Spider-Man, Spider-Man, this movie I really can’t stand. There is some stuff that is OK, but it fails in almost every way. Get ready, this one is pretty bad. After his tour of duty…
Marvel coasts between big movies
It is surprising to know that “Deadpool” was made by 20th Century Fox rather than Marvel Studios. Marvel Studios rose to fame because of its cinematic universe idea. They make a bunch of movies that are part of the same universe, which expands the world and allows for crossover movies like “The Avengers” and the…