(Photo courtesy of: CanMan) “Authors tigh tattoo.” Riley Fontana Connector Editor I have been getting tattoos since I turned 18, and currently have seven. Because of the amount of tattoos I have, many people ask me about my experiences: the pain scale, costs, how to find a good artist and more. I am here to…
Movie Theater manners no long exist
(Photo courtesy of: Eater NY) “People are unable to respect movie theaters anymore.” Riley Fontana Connector Editor In the past month, I have seen exactly two movies in theaters, “Argylle” and “Lisa Frankenstein” to be exact, and maybe my movie choices play into the audiences I am experiencing, but people have been exceptionally rude during…
UMass Lowell announces new two factor authenticity
(Photo courtesy of: Office 360 Reports) “Microsoft Authenticity is the newest in two factor authentication at Umass Lowell.” Riley Fontana Connector Editor On Wednesday, February 14, 2024, UMass Lowell IT sent out an email saying the school was leaving Duo Mobile and opting for Microsoft Authenticator to have students and staff log into their accounts.…
“Lisa Frankenstein” is a horrific hit
(Photo courtesy of: Slash Film) “Kathryn Newton stars in “Lisa Frankenstein”.” Riley Fontana Connector Editor “Lisa Frankenstein” is the latest outing from writer Diablo Cody and Zelda Williams’s directorial debut. The film follows Lisa Swallows as she navigates her senior year of high school in 1989 and also an undead corpse slowly falling in love…
The importance of please and thank you
(Photo courtesy of: Frank Sonnenberg Online) “Manners seem to be disappearing from college kids.” Riley Fontana Connector Editor I feel like my generation of college students has lost basic manners. I rarely see people saying please and thank you to anyone, especially their friends. I was raised to always extend the courtesy of please and…
“Argylle” is an unserious good time
(Photo courtesy of: Rotten Tomatoes ) “Director Matthew Vaughn’s cat Chip stars as Alfie in “Argylle”.” Riley Fontana Connector Editor “Argylle” is Matthew Vaughn’s newest addition to his cinematic spy universe of the “Kingsman”. “Argylle” follows a mild-mannered author Elly Conway as she is caught up in the world she writes about, and finds herself…
“Grimsburg” falls dead flat
(Photo courtesy of: Sports Illustrated) “‘Grimsburg’ is Fox’s new adult animation series.” Riley Fontana Connector Editor The newest attempt at adult animation has officially aired on Fox. “Grimsburg” is an animated series following a detective trying to get his life back on track while solving crimes in the town of Grimsburg. The biggest mystery in…
UMass Lowell has major issues with parking for students
(Photo courtesy of: UMass Lowell) “Students already pay for parking passes so why do they also have to pay lot fees?” Riley Fontana Connector Editor College is expensive, and parking on campus is an added luxury. So, I really want to know why a parking pass does not allow students to park wherever they want…