“Knives Out” is directed by Rian Johnson, the director of “Star Wars: The Last Jedi.” (Photo courtesy of Lionsgate) Troy Lafond Connector Editor “Knives Out” is a murder-mystery whodunit directed by Rian Johnson starring a large A-list ensemble cast including Daniel Craig as the investigator Benoit Blanc, Chris Evans as Ransom, Ana de Armas as…
‘Jigsaw’ is a puzzle not worth solving
As of Nov. 12, “Jigsaw” has made $64 million worldwide against a budget of $10 million. (Courtesy of Lionsgate) Eric Smith Connector Contributor After “Saw 3D: The Final Chapter,” the production companies Twisted Pictures and Lionsgate decided to bring back the franchise despite the last film being titled “The Final Chapter.” Like every other “Saw”…