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Tag Archives: mcgauvran center

Two students’ thoughts on the dining halls

Two students’ thoughts on the dining halls

(Photo courtesy of UMass Lowell) “Fox Hall is home to one of UMass Lowell’s main dining halls.”   Maxwell Valin Connector Editor   Every fall semester, one of the most frequent points of discussion among students (new and returning) is the food in the on-campus dining halls. More specifically, the quality of the food, the

Dining hall reform continue as students return to campus

Brigid Archibald Connector Editor  Last semester many students left campus disgruntled and discouraged by the service they had received at the dining halls around campus. After what students describe as years of slipping service few students were not hopeful for change. However, as students returned to campus this week, they were greeted to new posters

UMass Lowell shakes up mailrooms

Conor Dawson and Hannah Manning Connector Editors A major change in the mailroom system is in store for students living on campus this fall. Students on South and East Campus will no longer be able to pick up their mail in their respective residence halls. UMass Lowell has done them one better; instead of managing

New history club presents a fresh take on looking to the past

Brigid Archibald Connector Staff The city of Deadwood, South Dakota, was home to one of America’s most significant gold rushes, but it is mostly known for its colorful locals like Wild Bill, Calamity Jane or to some Potato Creek Johnny. It is likely a few students may have heard about Deadwood before, be it from