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Tag Archives: writing

Writer Dacia Maraini visits UMass Lowell

Writer Dacia Maraini visits UMass Lowell

(Photo courtesy of Eurochannel) “Dacia Maraini has had a long and successful career writing about her experiences and more.” Aaron Preziosi Connector Editor Renowned Italian writer Dacia Maraini visited UMass Lowell to discuss her most recent book, Vita Mia. Released in 2023, Maraini’s Vita Mia is a deeply personal memoir that explores her childhood experiences

English Department open mic night

(Photo courtesy of: Riley Fontana) “Tabitha Soper shares her short horror story.” Riley Fontana Connector Editor The UMass Lowell English Department has hosted several open mic nights where students are able to share their writing. Their most recent was held on Nov. 16, 2023. This event was organized by the Sigma Tau Delta (the English