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‘Abendrot’ review

‘Abendrot’ review

The band has released three albums since their debut. 9Courtesy of Triple Crown Records) Emily Toomey  Connector Staff Orlando based emo quintet You Blew It! have recently released their third studio album “Abendrot.” “Abendrot” loosely translates to “sunset.” This album is a transition for the band according to vocalist Tanner Jones who said that the band

Underrated Classic: “Galaxy Quest”

“Galaxy Quest” was first conceived as a science-fiction film called “Captain Starshine” back in 1997. (Courtesy of Dreamworks Pictures) Owen Johnson  Connector Staff In the 1990s, after the outpour of parody films by people like Mel Brooks and the Zucker brothers had either come to an end or deteriorated in quality, “Galaxy Quest” came about to

‘Dishonored 2’ dishonors series legacy

“Dishonored 2” falls short of its 2012 predecessor. (Courtesy of Arkane Studios) Brendan Jacques Connector Editor The original “Dishonored,” created by Arkane Studios in 2012, was far and away one of the best stealth games released last generation. With its compelling narrative, a strikingly realized setting and a style of stealth that emphasized playing however

‘Skyrim Remastered’ is a great excuse to return

As of June 2013, “Skyrim” has sold over 20 million copies since its release in 2011.(Courtesy of Bethesda Softworks) Syeda Nizami  Connector Contributor “Skyrim: The Fifth Elder Scrolls” game released by Bethesda is getting more attention in recent times with the release of a new remastered edition. With its original release in 2011, “The Elder

‘Titanfall 2’ beats the sophomore slump

“Titanfall 2” is the second release by Respawn Entertainment since its formation in 2010. (Courtesy of Electronic Arts) Andrew Haverty Connector Contributor “Titanfall 2” is the sequel to a game that was both overhyped before it was released and underrated afterwards. Even before its release it was deemed by many to be “the COD killer”, but

‘Doctor Strange’ fails to disappoint

Dr Strange first appeared in “Strange Tales #110” back in July 1963. (Courtesy of Walt Disney Studios) Owen Johnson Connector Staff The great irony about Marvel’s starting movies is that the ones with the premises and characters that would be most appealing to mainstream audiences are the movies that get played safe while the, pardon