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The signs for midterms

Michaela Hyde
Connector Editor

Aries: Argues every essay question with the professor for extra points. The answer was open to interpretation, okay?

Taurus: Stress eating. More ice cream equals higher grades, right? Right.

Gemini: Cheated off the kid next to them…. and did better on the exam…

Cancer: Breaks down every single time Blackboard freezes. Every. Single. Time.

Leo: Do midterms really even matter when your hair looks that good?

Virgo: Started preparing for midterms during syllabus week and still goes to the professor’s office hours with exam questions #overachiever.

Libra: Has a 50/50 success rate of sweet talking professors into paper extensions.

Scorpio: Stop winking at your professor. It is not going to make them grade you easier and is creepy.

Sagittarius: How is someone still this peppy during midterms? Please put down the double espresso shot, it is starting to scare the rest of us.

Capricorn: It is really not possible to plan each midterm out to the minute, so please give it up.

Aquarius: Do you even care how you are doing on these exams?

Pisces: Has to schedule naps to get through that all night study session and still manages to sleep through at least two exams.

UMass Lowell Political Science. Social Media Editor. Politics and professional sports. Media and makeup. Follow @kaylaaakaliope for endless sports rants.

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