One of the greatest things about this country is freedom. The idea that one is free to pursue any dream, work hard and become successful is what makes this melting pot a destination for many. Unfortunately, there seems to be an undeniable divide among this nation’s people. Acts of bias, intimidation and assault have caused a blanket of fear to wrap around minorities of all categories. In response to this, faculty and staff at UMass Lowell are determined to reaffirm their commitment of respect and safety for all.
One way of demonstrating this has been to hang what has been deemed a “safe-haven poster” on their office doors. It reads: “The occupant of this office affirms the dignity of all students, including and especially people of color, LGBTQ* people, immigrants (of any status), Muslims, Jews, & members of all other faiths, women, and disabled people. I affirm your identity. I celebrate our differences. I stand with you in solidarity and will speak out for you in our country’s current climate of xenophobia and intolerance.”
The purpose of this is to make sure that people know they have a safe place to go and a person they can trust or turn to if needed.
In America, some people have forgotten the freedom of religion, speech, press, protest, etc. Americans have the freedom to form opinions, discuss and celebrate differences and to disagree. Unfortunately, some people across America are forgetting these rights. Stereotypes of underrepresented religions and cultures have largely overshadowed the reality. Instead of asking questions, assumptions are made. Instead of discussion, arguments are surfacing. There is limited denial that there is fear among many people on campus, as well as across the nation.
Another flyer that is going around campus reads: “UML’s campus is a place of TOLERANCE & RESPECT. Whatever your sex, race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender, ability or disability, or country of origin, YOU ARE WELCOME HERE.”
This flyer is a great way to set the atmosphere on campus. Tolerance, however, is not acceptance. Being tolerated is not something a person aspires to be. When someone is nervous to enter a new environment they do not hope to be tolerated; they wish for acceptance.
Faculty and staff have gone above and beyond to maintain the culture on campus which celebrates differences. Making sure everyone feels safe is a clear priority and has inspired a trend on campus. If a person is seen with a safety pin on their shirt it is not a mistake, it is a statement. They want you to know that they are there to stand with minorities in solidarity against injustice. They are a safe person to turn to for help, no matter the person or place.
It is concerning to hear about all of the violence around the country right now. It is a shame that in a country of freedom so many feel they are unwelcome and unsafe. The hate, the bias, the bigotry and disrespect — it needs to stop. UMass Lowell is definitely taking steps in the right direction. However, it is not up to any institution or government to decide how the people are behaving. Every single day people wake up with a choice. Make the choice to respect each other. Make the choice not to tolerate, but to accept.