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Movies articles

‘Hello Destroyer’ suffers for never lightening up

‘Hello Destroyer’ suffers for never lightening up

“Hello Destroyer” won all five awards that it was nominated for at the Vancouver Film Critics Circle. (Courtesy of Tabula Dada) Hannah Manning Connector Editor “Hello Destroyer” is not your father’s hockey movie. Moving past the light and funny fare of “The Mighty Ducks” or even the dark humor of “Slap Shot,” this film is

‘Star Trek: Discovery’ leaves much to be found

“Star Trek: Discovery” initial release was originally set to release last January before getting pushed back. (Courtesy of CBS) Owen Johnson Connector Editor Based on the first two episodes of “Star Trek: Discovery,” it looks like the show runners have gone the route of making it as much like the rebooted “Star Trek” film series

‘Gremlins 2:’ It somehow works

Director Joe Dante only came back to direct the sequel when he was offered complete creative control. (Courtesy of Warner Bros.) Owen Johnson Connector Staff “Gremlins 2: The New Batch” is quite possibly the only narratively sound and comprehensible movie that makes the audience member wonder: “What did I just watch?” Set in New York

The ‘Kingsman’ franchise has done it again

Director Matthew Vaughn wants to make a third film. (Courtesy of 20th Century Fox) Taylor Dorian Connector Contributor Mathew Vaughn, producer and director of “Kingsman: The Secret Service,” returned to produce and direct the second installment of the Kingsman franchise. He was challenged with meeting the expectations set by the first film released in 2014,

Is this the ‘mother!’ of all 2017 films?

Eric Smith Connector Staff Darren Aronofsky, the unusual filmmaker behind the masterpieces of “Requiem for a Dream” and “Black Swan,” has made his most unusual film yet. “mother!” may be the most unique and bizarre movie since the works of filmmaking genius Stanley Kubrick. The problem with films like “mother!” is that sometimes it can

“IT” was good

“IT” had been stuck in development since 2009. (Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures) Owen Johnson Connector Editor “IT” has so much riding against it. It is a film adaptation of a popular novel written by Stephen King; in his novels, typically the main cast is comprised entirely of child actors. In short, it is unbelievable

‘Spider-Man:’ Coming home disappointed

“Spider-Man: Homecoming” will be the first of a trilogy of new “Spider-Man” films. (Courtesy of Sony Pictures) Owen Johnson Connector Staff Spider-Man, Spider-Man, this movie I really can’t stand. There is some stuff that is OK, but it fails in almost every way. Get ready, this one is pretty bad. After his tour of duty