(Photo Credits to Stop AAPI hate)After the death of eight people at the March 16 shooting in Atlanta, members of the anti-Asian hate movement protested across the United States. Demimarie Dabilis Connector Contributor After the death of eight people at the March 16 shooting in Atlanta, members of the anti-Asian hate movement protested across the…
Understanding the history Anti-Asian Racism in the U.S. and its impacts today and during COVID
(Robert Mill/ Lowell Sun) Kevin Chan and Mai Nagabayashi, both of Lowell, hold signs during a vigil against Asian hate held in Clemente Park in Lowell’s Cambodiatown neighborhood on March 17. Brigid Archibald Connector Editor Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a marked increase in anti-Asian racism. According to Stop AAPI…
Addressing the Dual Pandemic: University hosts ally training to support AAIP students as anti-Asian racism grows
(Photo Courtesy of UMass Lowell) Brigid Archibald Connector Editor Following the Atlanta shooting where eight people were killed, six of whom were Asian American women, Chancellor Jacquie Moloney released a statement condemning the event and the recent rise in violence and hate targeted towards Asian Americans. The Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) and the Department…