(Photo courtesy of Photo illustration by NBC News; 20th Century-Fox) Is die hard a Christmas movie? One student weighs in. Jeff Therriault Connector Editor John Mc Tiernan’s 1988 action classic “Die Hard” is a Christmas movie. Without a doubt. But how could it be? There is no snow, no gift giving, no Santa Claus– and…
How I Overcame Imposter Syndrome
(Photo courtesy of Pablo Stanley ) Imposter syndrome, also called perceived fraudulence, involves feelings of self-doubt and personal incompetence that persist despite your education, experience, and accomplishments. To counter these feelings, you might end up working harder and holding yourself to ever higher standards. Troy Lafond Connector Editor Imposter syndrome is all too common among…
Russian royal Romanovs reemerge? A royal wedding.
(Photo courtesy Charles Maynes NPR) Members of Europe’s noble families gathered to celebrate Russia’s first royal wedding since the days of the imperial monarchy. Victoria Eluszkiewicz Connector Editor Romanov wedding? The Romanovs are back with glamor, and I am loving it. Grand Duke George Mikhailovich Romanov wedded Victoria Romanovna Bettarini. Duke George is the heir…
The on-going Taliban situation in Afghanistan
(Photo courtesy of the new york times) Hamza Chaudry Connector Contributer Throughout history, Afghanistan has been euphemistically referred to as the “Graveyard of Empires” due to its inability to be annexed by attempts of failed conquests through western imperialism. Billions in international aid by British, Russian and American forces has been given in attempts to…
Spirituality without religion, One mans take on modern religion
Jeffery Theriault Connector Contributor Spirituality without religion seems to be one of the fastest growing convictions upheld in modern life. When asking a young person today about their spiritual practices, one will frequently receive an answer like, “Spirituality is important, but I don’t think I have to be religious.” Why might this notion be becoming…
Daughter of China: Left a lifetime of questions by one nation’s one child policy
“One Child Nation” premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on January 26, 2019, before a select-theaters national release on August 9, 2019. (Photo courtesy of ReasonTV) Amariah Condon Connector Contributor At 11 months old, I arrived in America with no evidence of my Chinese birth aside from a packet of documents which listed my birth…
Small changes make a big difference, but we need visionary action to halt climate change
Thousands took to the streets of Boston last week for the Youth Action Climate Strike. Many skipped school and took the day off from work to march against government inaction with regard to climate change. (Photo Courtesy of Robin Lubbock, WBUR) Katlyn Santo Connector Contributor Climate change is one of the gravest challenges facing our…
Discussions, donations and hard conversations: How many more until we solve gun control?
After the Las Vegas shooting, many are questioning gun control laws and are advocating for change. (Courtesy of iStock) Alex DePalma Connector Contributor I am only 25 years old, but I am already too familiar with the cycle of discussion after a mass shooting. The initial confusion and absence of answers opens a vacuum for…