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Tag Archives: police brutality

UMass Lowell to host Garret Felber for lecture on Malcolm X and police brutality

UMass Lowell to host Garret Felber for lecture on Malcolm X and police brutality

The speaking event on police brutality and Malcolm X will be held on Nov. 30 in O’Leary Room 222. (Courtesy of Anglonautes) Morgyn Joubert Connector Staff With the growing number of cases involving police brutality, the History Department, along-side the Working Class on Race and Ethnicity at UMass Lowell, has decided to invite speaker Garret Felber

Sit for what you believe in

49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick will not be silenced. (Photo courtesy of Tom Pennington/Getty Images) Alexander J. Salucco Connector Editor Like Colin Kaepernick scrambling, staying away from political topics is something that I do best. In this case, the different layers led me to the multitude of problems that I have with the way he, and