“Spider-Man: Homecoming” will be the first of a trilogy of new “Spider-Man” films. (Courtesy of Sony Pictures) Owen Johnson Connector Staff Spider-Man, Spider-Man, this movie I really can’t stand. There is some stuff that is OK, but it fails in almost every way. Get ready, this one is pretty bad. After his tour of duty…
Underrated classics: ‘Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior’
“Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior” was the second film directed by George Miller. (Courtesy of Warner Bros Entertainment) Owen Johnson Connector Staff Before “Mad Max: Fury Road” came out in the summer of 2015, the unequivocal best film in the film series was “Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior,” and it is still close…
Underrated classics: ‘How to Train Your Dragon 2’
“How to Train Your Dragon” is the 10th highest grossing animated franchise in history. (Courtesy of Dreamworks Pictures) Owen Johnson Connector Staff “How to Train Your Dragon 2” is one of those rare films that manages to transcend its predecessor in almost every area. Taking place five years after “How to Train Your Dragon,” Hiccup…
‘The Great Wall’ is a great fail
“The Great Wall” was hit by accusations of whitewashing for casting Matt Damon in a movie set in ancient China. (Courtesy of Universal Pictures and China Film Group) Owen Johnson Connector Staff In the opening scene of “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings,” there is one shot where all of the…
‘The Lego Batman Movie’ constructs its own success
“Lego Batman Movie” director Chris Mckay is best known for directing three seasons of the Adult Swim parody show “Robot Chicken.” (Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures) Owen Johnson Connector Staff Like “The LEGO Movie” from three years ago, “The LEGO Batman” movie is a celebration of the usage of LEGOs, in addition this time around…
Underrated classics: ‘V for Vendetta’
“V for Vendetta” graphic novelist, Alan Moore, denounced the film upon its release for its radical changes to source material. (Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures) Owen Johnson Connector Staff In memory of John Hurt, 1940 – 2017. Set in dystopian England in the late 2020s, the Norsefire party has turned the United Kingdom into a…
Split on “Split”
“Split” is the twelfth movie directed by M. Night Shyamalan since his debut in 1992. (Courtesy of Universal Pictures) Owen Johnson Connector Staff In terms of what kind of movie it is, “Split” is one of a kind. There are a lot of times when a movie turns out unintentionally hilarious, but this is one…