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Campus Life articles

HawkTalk: Greek Life making resurgence on campus

HawkTalk: Greek Life making resurgence on campus

Three fraternities were established within six years of the university being open. (Courtesy of Marie Frank/Arcadia Publishing) Cassandra Milnes Connector Editor The Greek Life community went on hiatus for a few years and returned in 2012. But what happened before the fraternity brothers, sorority sisters and fraternity houses students know today? Lowell Textile Institute was

Navigators club supports students with nutrition

The Navigators food pantry is located on floor one of UCrossing. (Photo courtesy of Taylor Carito / Connector) Anna Ward Connector Contributor Navigating college is difficult enough without the added stress of not knowing where your next meal will come from or having no home to return to after a long day of classes. Unfortunately,

UMass Lowell veterans have wealth of resources on campus

Justin Kauppi Connector Contributor With Veterans Day just around the corner, our nation uses the day to reflect on those who have served and to appreciate the sacrifices they have made in order to keep every American citizen safe from foreign enemies. Although, here at UMass Lowell, veterans and those who are still serving our

Admin pairs with Catholic Charities for Thanksgiving food drive

Conor Dawson Connector Editor UMass Lowell is partnering with Catholic Charities of Boston to feed families once again this Thaksgiving. On Monday, Nov. 25, UMass Lowell will launch an operation out of the Inn and Conference Center to deliver Thanksgiving meals to 300 families in and around Lowell. The turkey delivery will be from 12

No laptops, no Uber, and definitely no phones: unique professor rules

Brigid Archibald Connector Editor This is the routine in nursing major Shanneah Manchur’s English class: As students walk into the classroom, they take out their phones, turn them off and line them up on the lip of the dry erase board. If a phone goes off? Their professor will place it on his desk and

Mental health resources at UMass Lowell

Sydney Lee Connector Editor As college students undergo an extreme amount of stress throughout the semester, their mental health can often become hard to manage. Finding the help and resources they need is a step forward that is not as easy when done alone. Despite the counseling services that are offered through the Wellness Center,

HawkTalk: History of UMass Lowell mascots

Once upon a time, Rowdy was predominantly red (Photo courtesy of UMass Lowell) Cassandra Milnes Connector Editor “Go River Hawks!” cry students as beloved UMass Lowell mascot, Rowdy River Hawk, runs out in front of the crowd. What would this campus do without him? Well, red and blue Rowdy was not always the cheerful mascot